Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3-28-09 Saturday PEOPLE LOUNGE

What can I say, It was PACKED as usual. I love it here. My boy Kacspar(I cant spell this) came by with a few friends, bought a bottle and later on he was pouring shots for anyone in the crowd. Hes a good dude and likes to have fun whereever and whenever.
Yeah that's it again the people wouldnt leave so I kept playing till just before 4am. There was another english guy there and he asked me if I had to play american music because I was playing deep afro house and tribal at that time, unfortunately he was the only one loving it besides me. I play this stuff from 10-11:30 while everyone gets drunk then I switch off to the american pop n rap.

3-27-09 Friday, OVERLOOK

Tonite was a great nite - it was packed with a cool crowd, i was able to play better music then usual, thanks to my wife giving me a bunch of her indie-rock and alternative music, which i needed tonite.
Well, its official...IM A STAR! Let me back up. I was djing and a guy with an english accent, obviously on vacation in ny, asked me to watch his suitcase which I did, and when he came back after dinner he offered me a "tip" for helping him out which I wouldnt take, so in his very heavy english accent he called me a STAR (which probably means awesome dude or great guy)
Harry came by again which was cool and we hung out for a while. Later on around 9:30 we packed up even more and by 11 we had a very cool crowd and I was able to play alot of clubby house music which worked well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3-21-09, Sat People

People was packed! as usual with a great crowd. I love playing here because I can really do my job right when I'm here. I usually Twitter all nite from here and post updates on facebook cuz i have a WIFI connection.
Tonite my boys Kacspar, bartender from overlook, and Corey, the new dj from overlook as well as the guy whos text autocorrect was calling me connie, came by literally with 20 people. I had my private section as well as a bottle of Ketel One and all the mixers ready for them, and when they showed it was great and very appreciated.
In the beginning of the night I always play House Music, and usually within 5 minutes someone always asks if this is all im playing for the night....thats so stupid and annoying. I let them get drunk then I change it up to rap n pop, and some house later in the night. Anyway, this night NOONE asked me to change the music, so i posted this on my facebook. As I was posting, a girl came up to me with that question....then gave me 10 minutes to change the music, then asked if I was half chinese. She turned out to be a cool person. Great nite after that, the owner didnt want me to shut down till 4, we usually back off around 3:15, and kill it around 3:30....tonite we didnt back off till 3:50, Pumpin night.
My boy Carlo, the other sat nite dj at people was there hanging out with me so I let him play for a while and I hung out with Kacspar and Corey.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3-20-09 Fri, Overlook

Tonite was crazy like "full-moon" crazy. We weren't extremely packed as usual when i first got there, but for some reason the people that were there, including the staff, including the owners, including me...were in a very hyper mood, kinda like wanting to break stuff. I dont know why, maybe it was a full moon but we were all CRAZY!
Tonite I saw something tonight that I thought wasn't possible, I can't even figure out how it was even thought of. Here's the scene. One of the owners, Mark....good guy, funny guy, seems tough like you wouldn't want to mess with him, likes older 90's music, Freestyle, stuff like that, thrown in during the night. He's at the front door with BIG JEFF the bouncer, who is literally the size of a doorway, or bigger. I played "Gonna make you sweat" BY C&C MUSIC FACTORY. All of a sudden Mark starts to "Up Rock" at the front door. He does this all the way passing the bar, up a step to the back area where I am, and then he Up Rocks to a BOWLING Move! like he was bowling! That was very funny and I really couldnt imagine it was possible.
Later on it got very crowded with our normal nite party, and a girl, who was very nice but speaking to her she seemed kinda nuts, asked me to play a song by Salt-N-Pepa from the 90's. She explained that her and her friends had a whole dance set-up back when this song was out and they were in high school because they wanted to perfom on "Lip Service" The dance included a move where one of the girls slide through this girls legs and I guess that was the big move of the dance....
So I play the song for her and now shes doing the dance that was made for the show (which is funny in itself) but when that part came up where the girl was supposed to slide through her legs, she yells out "Hey dj, this is that part you know with the girl...?" I'm pretty sure she was nuts.
They serve food here at Overlook, so they give us dinner around 10-10:30. I get a well-done burger and some fries. This nite Ben - the head chef, a cool young dude - made me a perfect burger, but only gave me like 5 fries. I was starving cuz i usually have a salad for lunch at 12:30, so by 10ish IM STARVING! Anyway, I ask Ben where the rest of the fries are and he told me that that was all I was getting because he didnt want to make anymore and all the workers wanted fries...they cut their own fries there...I said something like nice freakin job chef (we totally get along and joke around) he says "you want some more fries? HERE!" and throws the whole bowl of them at me! Well, near me, I guess it was just for effect, which worked because the whole kitchen, including me were laughing our asses off. (Was it a full moon??) A little while later he came out to see if "my burger was ok", I assumed he wanted to make sure I wasnt pissed, which I wasnt not even at all...then about 10 mins later he sent out a full order of fries for me, which I ate about half....he felt bad, good guy.
At the end of the night, Mark and Big Jeff wanted some real old school stuff like "Planet Rock" and "Play at Your Own Risk" they were going crazy. It seems like everyone had a good time.
The Bartenders, Kacspar and Giorgio...2 young, extremely cool, fun, "getting all the girls" guys were as usual keeping the place pumped up, pouring alot of drinks, and having fun with the crowd.

Friday, March 20, 2009

3-19-09 thurs, PORKYS

I had a great time last night. The place was packed with a younger after work crowd, and then around 10 we packed up even more. Peter the manager there is awesome at his job and did me a huge favor by getting a cup of coffee for me so i could stay awake.
QUESTION: what is beer pong? why are people throwing ping pong balls into half-full cups of beer then take a sip of their beer? I dont get it? Cant they just drink their own beer?
And can someone please tell the cashier there that that's her job? She keeps on telling me to lower the music. Last week i just shut it off for a few seconds, she didnt get the hint. Why do people think they can tell anybody anything? I dont tell her how to give change out! Oh yea, she does coat check too. I also found out that she was recently re-hired, turns out they fired her because of her bad attitude, i guess she didnt change.
I had a good time tho - but i had a headache most of the night, the coffee pumped me up and i woke up and the headache went away, and then the requests came in.
The requests were all opposite of what i was playing, thats annoying, and if their request isnt the next song, they come back. and most of these requests were songs that i wouldnt play at that time, or evn for the overall crowd, but if you dont. you get an earfull, if u do you get a crappy dancefloor, but i guess thats the job.

Monday, March 16, 2009

3-13-09 Friday, OVERLOOK

I simply dont get it, but my boy Harry came by to hang out with me again! We were PACKED! AS usual, and I always have laughs with the door guy Jeff. Hesabout 25 years old but no joke, he has to walk thru doors sideways because he so HUGE! Like a refrigerator! Funny guy and lots of laughs with me. Yeah good crowd, but at one point some guy came over to request a song and I had it so that was good, but then he wanted to talk for a min and I explained that I was tired so he offered me a "BUMP" I said "nah im cool" and he explained that he doesnt have any, but his friend does. That always makes me laugh! Good night tho!

3-12-09 Thursday, PORKYS

We had a great crowd tonite. I don't know why but man I was exhausted! Couldnt wait to leave, BUT it was a great night anyway. Nothing really big happened other then a good night. Porkys is always fun, and I enjoy playing there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3-11-09 Wednesday, CRAZYLEGS

Tonite started out with a very long trip to brooklyn because of traffic. Usually I get thee within 30mins, but this time it took me about an hour, and i left my house about 15mins later then usual, BUT my boy Harry was there with me - maybe he banged his head cuz he's been out with me twice in one week, usually its twice in a year! But thats ok, it was great to have him abord.
CrazyLegs Skate Club Skate party is definitely one of my favorite parties to play at. The people there are so cool, they skate amazing, they dance great.....I just can't say enough good stuff about them. The good news is that the feeling seems to be mutual - THEY LOVE ME! I gotta say I was dead on point last night, new r&b, Classic r&b, classic dance, early 80's skate music, classic deep house.....these people were loving it and I loved playing it.
It's tricky because of the diversity of the crowd, both age and ethnicity, but I really enjoy playing for them.

Monday, March 9, 2009

3-8-09 Sunday, Notes

Last thurs, feb 26 I took the night off from Porky's because I was exhausted and had a Headache, and there was a Beer Pong Tournament (HUH?) so I wasnt missed, and on fri Feb 27th i did play at Overlook, but nothing happened! it was all good! So nothing really to report.

3-7-09 Saturday, People Lounge

People Lounge one of my favorite places to spin. Again a little slow because of St. PAtricks day in Hoboken, AND tonite we had to set the clock ahead! My friend Jay Mirable who has a radio show every sunday called the DFK RADIO SHOW 1 - 4PM - MYWCWP.com, came by to keep me company and that was great and appreciated. The place kicked-ass, but I wasnt sure if we were staying till 5, which is the old 4 or closing at the new 4 which is the old 3....we compromized and killed it at the new 4:30. And at 4:30 we were packed, but the bar can't serve after 4 (new or old....) so they did till 4:30, didn't get a fine, and i left, starving and tired.
If u read the last People post, I will tell u that the owners had a talk with the friday guy and he did put the equipment back together when he left, he did loose the USB cable which connects the mixer to my computer so i can use Serato dj software, but the clubowners took the cable off of their printer and that was that. I will say tho that nothing was connected correctly, he even changed dip-switch settings in the back of the mixer so NOTHING worked AFTER I got a USB cable, but who cares, Im done complaining.

3-6-09 Friday, Overlook

Tonite at Overlook I was surprized to se that my boy Harry came by to hang out with me. He rode his mountain bike down to nyc, did whatever he was there for then he came by to hang out with me which was great, around 11pm he grabbed the bike and got on the train to get home - very cool. Harry if ur reading this I really appreciate the visit! Nothing big happened there but let's see....on thursday the 5th they got a new felt on the pool table that they bring out late nite, so it looks brand-new except for these black dirt spots all over it, and this was the next night....I asked the bar back, who is an older spanish guy, why the brand new felt looks all messed up, this was his answer.....in an older spanish very heavy accented voice "the fucking guy last night" I don't know man, hes a really cool guy but that makes me laugh
Again the Hoboken thing slowed us down a little, but we were still packed later on. I put on a mix so I could take a little break and played pool with one of the chef's there, Ben. Hes a cool dude, but killed me in pool - it was funny because he got 4 balls in on his break which made us both laugh a bit....but I still lost.

3-5-09 Thursday, Porkys

Porkys tonite was kinda slow, and it's because this sat - 3-7-09 - is St. Patricks Day in Hoboken NJ. It seems that everyone is getting ready to drink there on sat so everything is NYC is slow because of that. Porkys is set in between Duvet and Citrine (gotta try to get a job at these places), two great lounge/clubs, they were dead too and it's also across the street from The Slate...also a little dead. I'm sure we'll be back next thurs. The street that all of us are onis 21st street between 5th and 6th, it is so crazy here that we have cops lining the street, some on horses all making sure nothing gets out-of-control and they do their jobs because there is never really a problem.

2-21-09 Saturday, Overlook

So tonite started as expected, which is a bad thing. The friday night Dj, only uses cd players. The club is set up with turntables and the ability to control a laptop with these turntables (SERATO SOFTWARE) Thats what I use. The friday guy keeps disconnecting everything to hook up his cd players, which is cool, but he doesnt reconnect everything the way it was for the saturday night guy (me or anyone else). It has happened about 10 times and it really gets me mad and I take it as a personal hit, and a hit to the club. OK - thats done, I spoke with the owner again and i'm sure we're cool now and the friday guy probably didnt even think about it.
I'm happy to report that tonite's crowd was like fake to me. We were so packed that there was no room anywhere, upstairs or down, and amazingly the crowd was full of totally nice people only. That never happens! All requests were good, and noone tortured me and we were like connected that anything I played worked perfectly, cheers yelling screaming it was as good as a night could go. Of-course a couple of girls had to be carried out cuz they drank a little too much, but thats ok they had fun too! Yeah, that's it, great club, great response, pretty good dj= good stuff!

2-21-09 Friday, Overlook

Overlook tonite. Very crowded as usual. Cool crowd and all they want is good music, they dont really care about mixing, they just care about the mix, which is sometimes more difficult. So there's a new dj there for thursday nights, and he introduced himself to me on facebook and asked to meet with me this friday night to check out the equipment and how I hook into it and stuff.
Funny story...so I'm at work that day and I get a text that reads something like "hi connie, its corey let me know what time to come by tonite........" obviously thats a guy making a date with a chick. Now, I'm at work and my boys there are laughing at thetext and tell me to text back a time and to bring wine and whatever. I really didnt want to screw up this guy's chances with this connie, so I text back a message telling corey that he had the wrong number, that it wasn't connie and that I was tempted to mess with him but I didnt.
So my boys at work are still laughing at the whole story, and then a few minutes I get a text back from corey, that he was looking for ME not connie, and then my boys at work are really freaking out laughing at the whole mess, cant believe that the text was really for me and Corey is the new thurs nite dj at overlook and he wanted to know what time to come by to meet ME! That really was funny.
Turns out that he has an iphone and the autocorrect put connie in when he misspelled vinnie, so now I tell my wife the whole story, she gets a kick out of it, and tells me that when she misspells vinnie on her iphone (i have one too) it puts in connie. I dont know why, but I find it funny and im still laughing as I type this in. BTW - Corey is super cool a great dj, and we quickly hit-it-off.
Thats it ! DJ CONNIE OUT!

2-19-09 Thursday, Porkys

Tonite was Porkys. I love this place. We were packed with regulars and the company YAHOO had a party here too. Great crowd, a little rough to figure out musically, but the dancefloor was packed all night.
I like it here not only because the club pumps, but the 3 managers there Peter, Matty and Chris, who are all like 25 years old, are not only very cool and treat me great, but they really know how to run the place, AND the bouncer/doorguy Duane is also around 25, totally professional, always has some kind words for me and my music, and always gives me a big greeting when I get there. Add all that up and thats why I love working at Porkys.
Tonite only one small thing happened. The barback, who is a cool dude, I guess was rappin to some girls. There was a basketball game on, and not only was it playing in the club, but it was on my monitor panel in the booth. Im guessing the barback wanted to be cool, so he let these girls into my booth to see who was playing in the basketball game. I turn around, theres 2 girls looking at the monitor and when they explain why they're there, one is spitting when she talks, then the other is explaining why that one is spitting on me....obviously both are drunk....so I simply asked if we were done, and got them out, but i was trying to not make the barback look like an idiot, I mean, I dont care about these chicks, but i didnt want to embarass him.

2-14-09 Saturday, Radio Show

I took off tonight to be with my beautiful wife Paula and Its good to take a break. BUT I will be on the air tomorrow on the DFK RADIO SHOW 1 - 4PM - MYWCWP.com click the type player you want and LISTEN LIVE. We're doing a "Pure Adrenaline" mix show which used to be on Sirius radio, but was cancelled as I was cancelled from XM radio when Sirius Bought XM. BUT I hear my show is coming back soon to Sirius/XM. I just sent the mix I made for the show. It's called "Metal House" something new I'm working on. I hope to be doing this type of stuff LIVE at the clubs. I think the mix I made for tomorrow's show is really cool, but I'll have to add more when I'm LIVE.

2-12-09 Friday, Overlook

Nothing weird happened tonite at Overlook, it was business as usual, I had a perfect hamburger and that was that. Alex the really cool waiter quit because hes moving back to Mexico with his wife-to-be - on sunday...and the newer waitress (dont know her name) quit tonite on good terms because she didn't like something, I didnt really understand her accent, shes brazilian, and wound up trying all nite to hook-up with the owner, and I think she did...I think that's what she didnt like but then was trying? I really dont know but thats the story.

2-12-09 Thursday, Porkys

Porkys was packed. Nothing really happened, but I will say that they repaired the DJ booth after the flood last month. It's funny, a pipe burst on the 2nd floor of the building and all of the water filtered down through the dj booth and destroyed EVERTHING! every amp, turntables, mixer....everything. Even the lights! And the dancefloor was under 4" of water and the basement had 6" in it. But last night, nothing big. Good crowd and thats it. Tonite, Overlook.......

2-11-09 Wednesday, Crazylegs Skate Club

Tonite was the "Crazy Legs Skate Club" RollerSkate/Dance Party. This is a Rollerskating Club that rents a Salvation Army gym in Brooklyn, brings in a sound system and skates there. It's way way cooler then it sounds. Lights are off, except for a few colored lights and the gym is huge so it works out perfectly. Its run by a guy named Lezly, he's the "skate guru" and believe me he really is. He holds skating lessons before the session and usually 20 ppl show up for that, and then at 8pm, around 200 ppl show up to skate.
This is one of my favorite gigs to play. I get to play todays RnB, old RnB, classic deep vocal house, and skate music from the late 70's and early 80's. Now, understand that this isnt like just a group of people going around in a circle. Picture about 150 ppl in the center of the floor dancing like with shoes, but on skates, and the rest are going around dancing and just loving the vibe, it really is a very cool thing.
Only one thing happened that was weird tonite. A lady who is usually a very nice person kept requesting Madonna's "Beat Goes On" and I said I would play it no problem....later. So I guess later came and she asked again, I told her I would play it in 15 minutes...that wasn't good enough for her. Now remember, this is a woman who always comes up to me when I play there and says hello, throws me compliments and stuff like that. NOW she wants this song and is debating me (I hate talking when I play) that this party isn't about me, which I agree 100% but I reminded her that it wasn't all about her either. I simply asked her if she could wait 15 mins and I was gonna change the whole vibe..."Nope, I'm leaving" was the answer. OK, this is how it works with the skaters. They have their favorite dj's (usually DJ Big Bob and DJ Julio (Julio is my favorite, and the guy who brought me into this crowd) and the rest are like lepers, I was a leper. BUT then I played a a sunday afternoon in central park for the Central Park Dance Skaters and I became "one of the guys."
So now I have my following there, and apparently this woman comes to hear me when I play so what did I do??? as soon as she skated away I played the Madonna track for her, which worked very well there, and she thanked me and all was right with the world, but first she complained to Lezly that I wouldn't take a request and he later told me that she is one of the biggest pains-in-the-ass that he ever knew.

2-6-09 Saturday, People Lounge

Every other Saturday I play at People Lounge, in the East Village on Allen Street just below Houston. The owners there are very very cool, and really treat me great. I've been working there on-and-off for about 5 years. I really like this club and I get to play hard and do a good job. The club is always "Sardine Can" packed, and this nite was no different. There's some semi-private seating kinda behind where the dj booth/console is that I use for my friends when they come down. This nite, 2 girls asked if they were allowed to sit there (they were asking to sit away from me but in that kinda private area) I had noone coming down, so I gave it to them. They wound up having around 12 people with them, and the overflow....some stupid guy....was right behind me, basically sitting in my booth - who cares. Here's the fun part...a girl with that crew was talking and leaning forward every time she would speak, and lean back every time she was done, but when she leaned back she would slam into the wall/wood/thing that keeps the people away from me. She didn't know it, but everytime she did this she would slam into my console shaking the turntables (I use a program Serato which allows turntables to control my laptop which has my music on it). I let it go about 10 times, then I leaned over and told her what she was doing by leaning back so hard. She immediately took offence, said ok and laughed it off which made the rest of her gang laugh too. I kinda have a short fuse when I'm djing - I mean I'll talk to people which I do all night, but If you're skipping my music I have to put a stop to it, and if you're laughing at me, that's gonna stop too.
So I very loudly asked why the hell they were all laughing at me if I'm asking this girl to stop skipping my music, which I explained she didn't even know she was doing and it wasn't her fault meaning that I knew she wasn't even aware of it.(I hate to explain myself in those situations, just stop skipping my music and let me do my job) She was really annoying and I wasn't in the mood for a debate. They stopped laughing, she said "you're the dj, I have mad respect for you" I just said thanks, walked away and finished the night. That was around 11pm, the night just started!
The rest of the night was uneventful, other then a sardine can dancefloor and a great crowd that lets me experiment and play a good night.

2-5-09 Friday, Overlook

On Fridays I play at Overlook on 44th by 2nd. This place is to me a "Dive" but some dive's are designed that way and are very cool, this is one of them. If you like sports, they have about 30 flat screens there and they can put any channel on any monitor, they even have smaller screens at each booth - they serve all the best bar food....cool spot. I took this gig because they have a different crowd there then I'm used to and I want to stay versatile as a dj because it's really easy to play one style of music and forget about everything else.
Tonite while I was playing, a girl had a request for the band MGMT, I know who they are, they're not really clubbish music and don't have any of their stuff so this girl said she would write down a few names of songs by them that I "need." She then went to the bathroom and when she came back she was going to write down these song titles, but she seemed a little weird. I jokingly said something about the open bar we had there that nite and if she had a little too much to drink. She said "No it's just a girl in the bathroom." At that point I'm already laughing to myself because this girl seems a little off. So then she is writing down a song name, and says "Sorry, this is all I can do, I want to fuck a girl!" And ran away. That was around 2am.

2-4-09 Saks 5th

Tonite I was supposed to play at Porkys, which is a great party and a cool place to work....but my friend Barry Scott - who is my nyc event connection - had already called me on tuesday and told me that I had to play an Event at Saks 5th Avenue....I do all their special events, so Porkys had one of their other DJ's fill in for me and I did the Saks party.
As it turns out, Saks was opening a new department on the 5th floor and they had Elite Modeling Agency there to help them out. I didn't know, but some of these models are "DJ's" and wanted to play at the party, so they designed a "Step-and-Repeat" to go behind the dj console (so the girls could be photographed). I was instructed to stand where ever I wanted (I chose all the way over to the right, stay out of their way - they're annoying) and I was to keep playing, and let the girls look like they were playing so the photographers could shoot them.
Well it didn't really go that way. About 8 of the girls brought their ipods, and wanted to plug in and play music off of their playlists, so to keep from arguing with Elite Modeling Agency, I just plugged in their ipods, and stepped aside and had some club soda with my boy Barry. When the smoke cleared, I had played only about 30 minutes, and the best thing that happened is that I was able to get home to my wife Paula (who wasn't feeling too well) alot earlier then if I played at Porkys, but I will say that these girls, more like goons who were all around 6 feet tall and with heels, yeah 4 inch heels??? they were like giant lanky makeup people, who go nuts infront of a camera. And the guests at this event were going out of their minds to get pictures of them, and talk to them and whatever else, but man they were loving it. The "models" figured out that they would look better onthe other side of the dj console so then they were standing in front of it so they would look better in the pictures! I guess that's their job.