Monday, March 9, 2009

3-6-09 Friday, Overlook

Tonite at Overlook I was surprized to se that my boy Harry came by to hang out with me. He rode his mountain bike down to nyc, did whatever he was there for then he came by to hang out with me which was great, around 11pm he grabbed the bike and got on the train to get home - very cool. Harry if ur reading this I really appreciate the visit! Nothing big happened there but let's see....on thursday the 5th they got a new felt on the pool table that they bring out late nite, so it looks brand-new except for these black dirt spots all over it, and this was the next night....I asked the bar back, who is an older spanish guy, why the brand new felt looks all messed up, this was his an older spanish very heavy accented voice "the fucking guy last night" I don't know man, hes a really cool guy but that makes me laugh
Again the Hoboken thing slowed us down a little, but we were still packed later on. I put on a mix so I could take a little break and played pool with one of the chef's there, Ben. Hes a cool dude, but killed me in pool - it was funny because he got 4 balls in on his break which made us both laugh a bit....but I still lost.

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