Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3-27-09 Friday, OVERLOOK

Tonite was a great nite - it was packed with a cool crowd, i was able to play better music then usual, thanks to my wife giving me a bunch of her indie-rock and alternative music, which i needed tonite.
Well, its official...IM A STAR! Let me back up. I was djing and a guy with an english accent, obviously on vacation in ny, asked me to watch his suitcase which I did, and when he came back after dinner he offered me a "tip" for helping him out which I wouldnt take, so in his very heavy english accent he called me a STAR (which probably means awesome dude or great guy)
Harry came by again which was cool and we hung out for a while. Later on around 9:30 we packed up even more and by 11 we had a very cool crowd and I was able to play alot of clubby house music which worked well.

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